Erasin’ history

vance birthplaceSo, now the folks in Raleigh have another idea on how to save money and not raise taxes on their wealthy friends. All we need to do is close some historic sites where children learn how life was lived 200 years ago.

We can save almost a half-million dollars that way. Why, that’s almost a half drop in the bucket when it comes to the money we need to run this state!

Zelda here.  Me and Nell and Mother Cray was talkin’ after supper last night about the times we took all the young ‘uns to the Vance Birthplace — you know, the little house where our once-governor, Civil War officer and US senator, Zebulon Baird Vance, was born.

Our kids loved walking around the place and seein’ how folks lived long ago. How did they manage without electric lights? Where did they go to take a bath? Look how they farm! Everthing is done by hand! No computers! No phones or TV! How did they find stuff out?

Me and Nell always marveled at it too, although we remember Remote before it got cable TV and the Internet. In fact, some folks in Remote didn’t have indoor plumbin’ when we were little.

Mother Cray recalls before electric lights, when the laundry had to be done by hand. She still cooks on the old woodstove when she has the energy. Hates the electric range.

I think young ‘uns need to know what life was like back when. In fact, I think they could use some learnin’ on how to do those things again. Not a one of my grandkids can build a henhouse or mend a fence.

But I suppose the folks in Raleigh would prefer our kids to be uneducated. Easier to get ’em to believe all the lies that way.

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